How to Watch Replay League of Legends

How to watch replay league of legends

Maybe many MOBA mobile gamers are looking for how to watch replay League of Legends recordings. Most of the common people may find it strange to watch game recordings. Most of them thought about re-watching the game on their own.

But for players, this is one of the important things because watching their own recordings actually has some benefits. Here’s why you should watch your League of Legends replay and how to watch them.

Benefits of Watching Replay

  • Study the Enemy’s Strategy or Gameplay

This is especially important if the opponent won the previous match. By looking at the recordings, we can focus more on the strategies used by our opponents so that we can develop the best strategies to fight them in the next battle.

  • Evaluate Your Own Gameplay

In addition to studying the opponent’s strategy, of course it is also very important for us to evaluate our own game. By looking at the recording, we can better see the shortcomings in our strategy so that we can correct these shortcomings in the next game. In addition, we will know what mistakes we did during team fights that will help us during the next battle.

  • Improve Game Skills

By frequently evaluating strategies and studying past match records, our playing skills with the hero we use will improve over time.

  • Content Interest

This is for those of you who usually upload gameplay for the sake of content like on YouTube. You will of course need match recordings for you to edit and upload.

Well, seeing the many benefits, it’s no wonder that more and more people are looking for ways to view Mobile Legends recordings.

How to Watch League of Legends Replay

 How to watch replay league of legends
Source: ESTNN

How to view the replay is very simple. You can do this in two easy steps, namely: save the game play and then view the replay that you have saved.

Actually, the replay feature itself is already available in-game. But if you don’t know how, we have provided the steps to save and view recorded League of Legends matches.

Using the replay battle feature will require you to re-watch the match. This battle replay feature is located on the ‘Match History’ page. Please press the rightmost button (Play button with arrow circle) contained in the match. You must enable the Champion Highlights feature on the list.

If you replay the match, then you can choose one of the three viewing options. To issue these options, click the settings button in the upper right corner.


So, that’s how you can watch League of Legends replays easily. By watching your replay, you will be able to evaluate the entire match to help your decision making in future games. We hope that this guide is useful for you.

Stay tuned on Eklipse for more gaming tips and tricks!


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