Best Realtime TikTok Followers Count in 2024

tiktok counter - tiktok followers count
Source: Eklipse Blog - tiktok counter

Looking for the best real time TikTok followers count app in 2024? Look no further! Here we’ve compiled the essential app for you to try.

TikTok has taken the world by storm with its short video format, and it has become essential for content creators to track their follower count in real-time. Here are the best tools available for tracking TikTok followers, ensuring you stay on top of your game.

1. TokCount

TokCount is a powerful tool that provides real-time data on your TikTok follower count. It offers live follower comparison, allowing you to compare follower counts between two TikTok users and see the difference. This feature is incredibly useful for understanding how your profile stacks up against your competitors. TokCount also offers an Android app, providing convenient access to your statistics from your mobile device.

2. TikCounter

TikCounter is another excellent option for tracking live follower counts on TikTok. This tool provides accurate data and updates in real-time, ensuring that you have the most up-to-date information about your followers. In addition to live follower counts, TikCounter also offers a live video views counter, giving you a comprehensive view of your performance on the platform.

3. Real-Time Live Follower Count Tool

The Real-Time Live Follower Count Tool is a free and accurate way to track your TikTok followers as they grow and change over time. The tool uses publicly available data directly from TikTok, making it 100% accurate and safe to use. With this tool, you can gain insights into the growth of your followers and make informed decisions as a content creator or marketer.


Tracking your follower count on TikTok is essential for understanding your audience and staying ahead of the competition. With these powerful tools at your disposal, you can gain valuable insights into your performance on the platform and make data-driven decisions to grow your presence on TikTok in 2024.

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