How to Use Phone As Webcam for Twitch: A Step-by-Step Guide


Are you a Twitch streamer looking to enhance your setup without investing in an expensive webcam? Look no further! Your phone can serve as a versatile webcam alternative to provide high-quality video for your Twitch streams. So, how to use phone as webcam?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of using your phone as a webcam, ensuring a seamless streaming experience.

So, let’s dive in and learn how to use phone as webcam for Twitch streams.

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How to use Phone as Webcam? Do it Easily in 6 Steps

To start using your phone as a webcam, you can easily follow this step-by-step guide that we have provided. This tutorial offers an alternative for starting your Twitch stream without investing too much in expensive streaming gear like a professional livestreaming webcam.

There are six steps that you need to follow in order to use your phone as a webcam. Let’s dive right into the guide.

Step 1: Choose the App

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How to use phone as webcam samsung

To begin, you’ll need to select the right app to transform your phone into a webcam. There are several reliable options available for both Android and iPhone users. Here are three popular choices:

  1. EpocCam: This app offers seamless integration for both Android and iPhone users. It provides a user-friendly interface and supports various video resolutions, including 1080p Full HD.
  2. iVCam: Another excellent choice, iVCam, is available for both Android and iPhone users. It offers additional features and allows easy adjustment of camera settings to optimize your stream quality.
  3. DroidCam: Designed specifically for Android users, DroidCam provides a simple and straightforward setup process. It offers both wired and wireless connection options for flexibility.
  4. NDI HX Camera: NDI HX Camera turns your smartphone into a wireless webcam for NDI-supported equipment on the same network. It is ideal for live streaming, videography, and more.
  5. iVcam Webcam: This app has built-in camera roll, adjustable resolution up to 1080 p, automatic low-light correction, and even can be used as a document camera.

Select the app that best suits your device and requirements, and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: Install the App and Drivers

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How to use phone as webcam iphone

Once you’ve chosen the app that matches your phone, follow these instructions:

  1. Android Users: Go to the Google Play Store, search for your chosen app, and install it on your phone.
  2. iPhone Users: Visit the App Store, search for the selected app, and install it on your iPhone.

After installing the app on your phone, you’ll also need to install the necessary drivers on your computer. Most webcam apps provide the drivers on their official websites. Download and install the appropriate drivers for your operating system.

Step 3: Launch the App on Your Phone

Now that you have the app installed, launch it on your phone. Ensure that your phone and computer are connected to the same Wi-Fi network for a seamless connection.

Step 4: Connect Your Phone to Your Computer

To establish a connection between your phone and computer, follow these instructions:

  1. Android Users: Open the app on your phone, and you’ll find a Wi-Fi IP address displayed on the screen.
  2. iPhone Users: Launch the app on your iPhone, and it will automatically detect your computer.

Step 5: Connect Your Phone to OBS or Streaming Software

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how to use phone as webcam for pc

To use your phone as a webcam with OBS or other streaming software, follow these steps:

  1. Open OBS or Your Preferred Streaming Software: Launch OBS or the streaming software you typically use for your Twitch streams.
  2. Add a New Video Capture Device: In OBS, click the “+” button under the “Sources” section to add a new source. Select “Video Capture Device” from the options.
  3. Name Your Source: Give the source a descriptive name, such as “Phone Webcam” or something similar.
  4. Select Your Phone as the Video Device: Choose your phone as the video device by selecting it from the dropdown menu.
  5. Configure Video Settings: Adjust the video settings as needed, such as resolution, frame rate, and video format. It’s recommended to use a resolution that balances quality and performance for smooth streaming.
  6. Configure Audio Settings (if desired): If you want to use your phone’s microphone for audio, ensure that the correct audio device is selected in the audio settings of your streaming software.

Step 6: Fine-tune Your Webcam Setup

Now that your phone is connected to your streaming software, it’s time to fine-tune your webcam setup for optimal performance. Here are a few additional steps to consider:

  1. Positioning and Stability: Place your phone in a stable position, either using a phone holder or a tripod. Ensure that the camera is aligned with your desired angle and framing for the stream.
  2. Lighting: Good lighting is crucial for high-quality video. Make sure you have adequate lighting in your streaming environment to enhance visibility and reduce shadows. Consider using softbox lights or ring lights for professional-looking illumination.
  3. Audio Setup: If you’re using your phone’s microphone for audio, test the audio levels and quality to ensure clear sound during your stream. Adjust the microphone sensitivity and position as needed to optimize audio performance.
  4. Internet Connection: A stable internet connection is essential for uninterrupted streaming. Connect your computer and phone to a reliable Wi-Fi network or use a wired connection if available. This will help prevent lag or buffering issues during your Twitch stream.
  5. Testing and Adjustments: Before going live on Twitch, take some time to test your setup. Open a preview window in your streaming software and check the video and audio quality. Make any necessary adjustments to settings, positioning, or lighting until you’re satisfied with the results.


Congratulations! You have successfully transformed your phone into a powerful webcam for your Twitch streams. Remember to choose the right app, connect your phone to your computer, configure your streaming software, and fine-tune your setup for optimal results.

Now, go ahead and take your Twitch streams to the next level with your phone as a versatile webcam solution!

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