How to Enable Fortnite 2FA & Get a Free Emote

fortnite 2fa

How to enable Fortnite 2FA? In this article, we’ll explain how to enable it and the rewards that you can get from it.

It is strongly advised that you take the time to enable 2FA (two-factor authentication) for your Fortnite account.

Not only will this protect your account from potential fraudsters, but you’ll also be able to earn an exclusive eemote in exchange. In order to earn rewards such as skins, Fortnite cups also require 2FA to be enabled.

Here’s how to enable 2FA in Fortnite, as well as the benefits of doing so.

How to Enable Fortnite 2FA

 fortnite 2fa ps4
Source: Fortnite INTEL

Epic Games has detailed the procedure for enabling 2FA in Fortnite. A step-by-step guide is provided below:

  1. Go to the ‘Account’ page.
  2. Click the ‘Password and Security’ tab.
  3. Under the ‘Two-factor Authentication’ header, click the 2FA option you want to enable:
  4. Third-party authenticator app: Use an Authenticator App as your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). When you sign in you’ll be required to use the security code provided by your Authenticator App.
  5. SMS Authentication: Use your phone as your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) when you sign in you’ll be required to use the security code Epic sends you via SMS message.
  6. Enable email authentication: Use a security code sent to your email address as your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). The security code will be sent to the address associated with your account. You’ll need to use it when you sign in.
  7. If you opt to use an authenticator app for 2FA, these common authenticator apps can be found in your mobile device app store.
  8. Verify that 2FA is enabled
  9. Refresh your account page and confirm that the authentication method shows as being enabled by looking for the blue button that says ‘On’

Please keep in mind that if you select more than one authentication method, you should check the box next to your preferred method of contact that says “Make this my primary Two-Factor authentication method.”

Some Authenticator Apps That Can Be Used

As previously stated, gamers can secure Two-Factor Authentication by using a third-party authenticator app. The following are some apps that gamers can use to secure their accounts:

  • Google Authenticator
  • LastPass Authenticator
  • Microsoft Authenticator
  • Authy

So, that’s about the steps involved in securing Fortnite accounts. Gamers should not waste time and should complete 2FA on their accounts as soon as possible.

Exlusive Boogie Down Emote

After you’ve enabled 2FA in Fortnite, reload the game to receive the Boogie Down emote. This is your reward for securing your account, and it is currently the only way to obtain this emote.

Why You Should Enable Fortnite 2FA

 fortnite 2 factor authentication reward
Source: Dot Esports

There are several reasons why you should enable 2FA in Fortnite. The most important is to keep your account safe from hackers. Adding an extra step when signing in makes it more difficult for someone to gain access, which is recommended if you have any payment methods linked. V-Bucks scams are unfortunately quite common, so adding this extra layer of security will reduce your chances of being hacked.

If you want to compete in Fortnite cup events, you must also have 2FA enabled. This is done in order for you to earn the rewards associated with each event. For example, the recent Obi-Wan Cup allowed players to compete and earn the Obi-Wan skin. This was only possible if you enabled 2FA.

Finally, having two-factor authentication enabled on your account allows you to gift items from the Item Shop. You can buy and gift everything from skins to V-Bucks to your friends.


That’s all there is to it for enabling 2FA on your Fortnite account. Stay tuned on Eklipse for more tips and tricks regarding Fortnite!


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