Google MusicLM AI Music Generator – 4 Things Must-Know


Google has developed an AI tool called MusicLM that can turn text, whistling, and humming into music.

The AI creates songs that can last up to five minutes. Also, Google says this system outperforms the previous generation in terms of audio quality and how closely the music adheres to the text description.

So, do you want to know more about Google MusicLM AI Music Generator? The Eklipse Blog team sums up all the information regarding the latest Google AI music generator, so check this out to learn more!

What is MusicLM?

MusicLM is Google’s new AI tool that can turn text, whistling, humming, and even a painting into actual music.

Currently, Google has just introduced MusicLM as a showcase of what an AI can do to generate music from a text prompt or even a painting description.

What MusicLM AI Music Generator Can Do?

MusicLM AI music generator from AI

On the MusicLM official Github, Google exhibit how the AI can create a piece of music from the text prompt. Since this is still in research and development, MusicLM gives 30-second snippets of the songs as an from their caption example such as:

  • “The main soundtrack of an arcade game. It is fast-paced and upbeat, with a catchy electric guitar riff. The music is repetitive and easy to remember, but with unexpected sounds, like cymbal crashes or drum rolls”.
  • “A fusion of reggaeton and electronic dance music, with a spacey, otherworldly sound. Induces the experience of being lost in space, and the music would be designed to evoke a sense of wonder and awe, while being danceable”.
  • “A rising synth is playing an arpeggio with a lot of reverb. It is backed by pads, sub bass line and soft drums. This song is full of synth sounds creating a soothing and adventurous atmosphere. It may be playing at a festival during two songs for a buildup”.

You can look up their website at to hear how the music they create from the prompt above.

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How Does Google MusicLM AI Music Generator Work?

MusicLM AI music generator from panting description

According to Google researchers, MusicLM outperforms previous systems in audio quality and how closely it follows the text description.

Google MusicLM AI Music Generator using a “hierarchical sequence-to-sequence model for music generation” and uses machine learning to generate different parts of a song, like the structure, melody, and individual sounds.

The AI training with a large dataset of unlabeled music and a music caption dataset of over 5,500 examples created by musicians. Google publishes the dataset so it can support future research.

One of the challenges in AI music generation is that music exists over time, making it harder to capture its intent with a text description. MusicLM is a step in overcoming this challenge.

Not only the text prompt, MusicLM allows you to use audio input as prompt, such as whistling or humming. Audio prompt help the AI learn the song’s melody to generate the style described by the text prompt.

When MusicLM Will Release to Public?

The authors of MusicLM have not made it available to the public yet due to concerns about the potential misappropriation of creative content. One of Google’s concerns is that the generated song is not distinct enough from the source material used to train the model.

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That’s all you need to know about Google MusicLM, the latest AI work that can generate music from text prompt.

What do you think about this latest work from Google? Do you think this will be the future for streamers or content creators to make background music for their content?