How to Make a Vtuber Avatar: A Quick Guide

If you’re not comfortable showing your face, becoming a Vtuber can be an excellent option for you. By creating an avatar and engaging in live streams, you can still participate in the virtual world.

Thanks to the advancements in technology, it has become remarkably simple for anyone to become a Vtuber with the availability of motion capture software in the market. In today’s blog, I will provide you with a guide on how to create a Vtuber avatar.

How to Make a Vtuber Avatar?

Before you become a Vtuber, you need to create an avatar to represent you. For this, you will have to pick a 3d avatar. There are many ways to create such an avatar but for today’s blog, I will recommend you ReadyPlayerMe by Animaze. This online tool will let you create a 3d full-body avatar for you right in your browser.

For Vtubers who are just starting, this tool will be very helpful. It’s not that detailed but it is easy to use and has a couple of convenient features. You can upload your own photo to help the software render your avatar better. You can do all other sorts of customizations as well such as beard, eyebrows, facial structure, etc.

Here’s how you can use ReadyPlayerMe to render your Vtuber avatar:

  1. Start by choosing a body type for your Vtuber avatar.
  2. Then upload a photo of yourself. Make sure that it’s in good lighting so the app can render your face better.
  3. Now you can customize the avatar however you like. You can add a mask, makeup, glasses, etc to your Avatar.
  4. Once you are done, you can download the file and save it somewhere.

Now you can use the avatar in your streams. To use the avatar, you can use Animaze. Animaze lets you utilize your 3d avatar to its full potential.


So that’s how you can create a Vtuber avatar for yourself.

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