Sniper Elite 5: Where To Find All Secret Weapons

Source: GameSpot

If you are a die-hard fan of shooting games, you’ll be very excited with the latest instalment of Sniper Elite. Sniper Elite 5 has come with several upgrades and great things you can find within the game. Despite its underdeveloped characters and story, this game still can give you the same excitement, or even more.

This is because in the fifth instalment of this game, you’ll find more in-game levels, an upgraded weapon customization system, and on top of that, the extra mission named “Target Further: Wolf Mountain”. This is indeed intriguing, ain’t it?

Sniper Elite 5
Source: Polygon

Additionally, in this mission, you’ll need to infiltrate Hitler’s private retreat to eliminate him and his guards.

While talking about eliminating the enemies, you might be thinking of the great weapons you can use. This article is going to reveal the locations where you can find all the secret weapons in Sniper Elite 5. So, let’s just jump to the list.

Sniper Elite 5: All Secret Weapons Collectibles Locations

In these locations below, you’ll be able to find all secret weapons, including Classified Documents, Personal Letters, Hidden Items, Stone Eagless, or Workbenches. Just keep reading.

Sniper Elite 5: Personal Letter

Sniper Elite 5 PC
Source: GameClubz
  • #1 – We Had a Deal: head to the trainyard office (the building nearest to the main road in the area), then go upstairs. Find the personal letter on a table opposite the sage.
  • #2 – I’m Done: Go to the abandoned house on the far eastern side of the map, and find the letter downstairs in the fireplace.
  • #3 – I Can’t Work Like This: Go to the lower level in the room with the V2 Rockets. Find personal letter #3 on the table.
  • #4 – The V2’s Are Obsolete: You can find the personal letter #4 on a chair in the dome-like area, opposite the V2 Launch Site.
  • #5 – Thinking Outside the Box: Take the zig-zag steel staircase in the main dome room towards the north of the map. Find personal letter #5 near Kraken’s War Room.

Classified Documents

Sniper Elite 5 download PC
Source: Selphie1999Gaming
  • #1 – Inbound Deliveries: Kill the head of the engineer in the train station area on the eastern side of the map. Then search for his body to get the classified document #1.
  • #2 – Dr Junger’s Schedule: Go to the south-easternmost building and find the document near the window. Aside from that, you can also find it in the tent on the western side of the map.
  • #3 – A-4B Logistical Issues: Head to the north map, raid the Weapon Lab, and go to the top floor. Unlock the door using Satchel Charge and find the doc on the table.
  • #4 – Intruder Sighted: Go to the western side of the map, kill the sniper hiding behind the tree, and loot his body for the doc.
  • #5 – Pressurisation Report: Go to the southwest and find the castle tower. Use the Satchel Charge or loot the Castle Tower Key to go inside. Then, take two staircases up and find the doc.

Hidden Item

Source: Game Fuze
  • #1 – Peenemünde Lab ID: On the opposite the V2 Launch Site, find a ladder and enter the dome from the corridor at the top of it. After that, follow the large bunker-like and take the spiral corridor. See the canteen-like dining room on the left, and find the hidden item under one of the tables.
  • #2 – Luftwaffe Playing Cards: Go to the northern-most part of the map. Find a guardhouse next to the blocked-off bridge. Find the hidden item on the table next to the wall closest to the bridge.
  • #3 – Prüfstand XII Plans: Head to the western part of the map, and go underneath the eastern side of the bridge. Find the hidden item on the rocky beach area, next to the river.

Stone Eagle

Source: Deluxe News
  • #1 – On the abandoned house where you find personal letter #2, find the road to the south of the house. Look among the formation of rocks and shrubs for your latest dead-eye target.
  • #2 – Head to the north side of the map till you find a circular lookout point. Look at the lower part of the bridge using it and you’ll find the stone in one of the dam filters.
  • #3 – Head to the south-western side of the map. Find the big tower and see the opposite of it where there’s a staircase. Go up and you’ll get the stone perched upon the wall in an alcove.

Sniper Elite 5: Workbench

Source: DeluxeNews
  • #1 – Rifle Workbench: Head to the place where you sabotage the V2 rocket, find the Axis Armoury small building. Loot the key from the officer nearby or use Satchel Charge to go in. Once you are inside, find the workbench opposite the entrance.
  • #2 – SMG Workbench: Near where you found Personal Letter #4, infiltrate the dome. Follow along the corridor until you find a spiral staircase. Then, take the first exit to the corridor with the bedroom and showers. Loot the key and unlock the dome. Find the workbench there.
  • #3 – Pistol Workbench: Go to the southwest side of the map, and find the cave next to the waterfall. Then, break some wooden panels to obtain access, and find the Workbench inside the room.


Now, you have known the locations where you can find secret weapons, including a personal message, stone eagle, or other stuff in Sniper Elite 5. You can try to explore it and find the item by yourself. Try it now and good luck!

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