How to Get Verified on Instagram: The Essential Steps

Brands and social media creators on Instagram seek validation through verification. The “blue tick” not only confirms authenticity, but also provides control over their online presence by ensuring their profile is the official representation of their brand.

Getting verified on Instagram is not easy, and not everyone is eligible. However, if you aspire to earn this recognition, this article will guide you through the process of applying for and receiving the coveted verification badge on Instagram.

What does Instagram verified mean?

Source: ZDNET

Instagram defines verification as confirming a profile as the authentic presence of a public figure, celebrity, or global brand. When you see an Instagram account with a blue tick, it means you are viewing the official account of that brand or personality, not a fake or unofficial account.

Instagram’s verification badges help brands and creators stand out, appear credible, and avoid impersonation. They also assist users in finding the right profile when searching for their favorite brands or personalities.

To qualify for Instagram verification, you need to meet specific criteria.

What are the requirements for applying for a verified badge on Instagram?

Anyone can request verification on Instagram, but certain criteria must be met to obtain the blue tick. While the exact process and requirements are unclear, Instagram provides some guidelines to help determine eligibility.

First, ensure that you adhere to Instagram’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Use. Additionally, your account must meet the following criteria:

  • Authentic: Your account must belong to a real person, business, brand, or entity.
  • Public: Private Instagram accounts are not eligible for verification.
  • Complete: Your profile should have a bio and photo, and you must be active on the platform.
  • Unique: Your account must be the sole representation of your unique self or business. Instagram does not verify multiple accounts for the same person or business. General interest accounts are also ineligible.
  • Notable: Your account must represent a publicly known, highly-searched person or business featured in multiple authentic news sources. Paid or sponsored media sources do not count.

The number of followers you have does not determine eligibility. Whether you have 100,000+ followers or less than 10,000, you can still apply if you meet the criteria mentioned above.

Please note that even if your Facebook Page is verified, you still need to apply for verification on Instagram.

How to request verification on Instagram

Source: Brandwatch

Meeting the criteria for verification does not guarantee approval. There is no guaranteed timeline for notification of verification status. If denied, you must wait 30 days before reapplying.

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10 Helpful Tips for Getting Verified on Instagram

If you’re ready to apply for verification on Instagram, here are some tips to increase your chances of obtaining the blue badge. Even if verification is not your goal, these best practices can help you find success on Instagram:

  1. Complete your Instagram profile: Add a well-written bio and a profile photo that represents your business or brand.
  2. Build your social profiles: Establish a strong following on other platforms to enhance your Instagram account’s credibility.
  3. Look out for impersonator profiles: Notify Instagram if your identity is at risk of being impersonated.
  4. Stay active on your account: Regularly use the platform to demonstrate engagement and increase your chances of verification.
  5. Boost your earned media: Create a widely recognized brand that Instagram can verify.
  6. Don’t try to buy an Instagram verification badge: Buying verification is ineffective and violates Instagram’s guidelines.
  7. Remove any cross-platform links from your bio: Avoid linking to other social media profiles in your Instagram bio.
  8. Improve your searchability: Be well-known and highly-searched for by being active on the PR front and optimizing your posts with branded hashtags.
  9. Personalize your posts: Differentiate your account by adopting a unique brand voice, visual style, or content theme.
  10. Hire a publicist or agency to help: Seek professional assistance to navigate the verification process.


To sum up, getting verified on Instagram means showing that you’re real and important. You do this by being active, following the rules, and asking Instagram. Keep it genuine, and you might just get that blue checkmark on your profile!

Ava Peterson
Ava Peterson
A gaming writer and Twitch community management expert. My entertaining and informative content provides value to readers looking to improve their streaming setup or stay up-to-date with the latest gaming trends
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