How to Hatch a Dragon Egg in Minecraft


How to hatch a dragon egg in Minecraft? Follow this guide for an in-depth explanation of how you can do it without any mistakes.

With all of the different variables in Minecraft, it can be difficult for someone who has never hatched an enderman egg before. They might not know if their newly found prize will hatch as expected or what kind of creature they’ll get when faced with such a mystery box opportunity.

That’s why we’ve created this guide for you. Whether you are a newbie or Minecraft veteran, make sure you know the right way to do it by following the steps below!

How to Get a Dragon Egg

To hatch a Dragon egg, players have to find one. To access the eggs and defeat Ender dragons in Minecraft you’ll need some items like pistons or levers to be your weapons against these creatures. Make sure they’re close at hand when faced with an ender dragon!

The egg will appear on top of a stack of bedrock in the middle if an end portal. This means that you can’t mine or broke this with any tools. So touching this block may result in losing your prize! The most well-known successful method for retrieving eggs involves pushing them off into different areas and waiting. There have been many reports from people who were able to get their eggs back after doing this very thing.

When players first enter the portal, they should notice an opening on one side where eggs can be found. The player must build up to a high enough level before jumping in order not only obtain these eggs but also get coins from them as well!

How to Get a Dragon EggSource: Windows Central

The cardinal side of the block should be facing inwards. It’s not up or down, but rather to its left (or right).

When the Minecraft player can only place one block left next to their egg, they should attach a piston in that direction and use some wire as leverage. A lever activates it so you can push off with all of your might; hopefully avoiding being squished by another dino!

If a player has too few blocks available, they can knock an egg off and onto the endstone in Minecraft. The addition of this new feature will be exciting for gamers who like to explore every corner! Once there are no more than 2 pixels left on any side facing down from where you stand (including upwards), simply place your piston near that area with one lever behind it so as soon as activated by pushing both levers up at exactly same time. The block should fall right into their waiting hands.

The most valuable item in Minecraft is a dragon egg. To get it, you need to kill the dragon or use an old school command block!

To ensure that the egg doesn’t fall into a portal after it’s broken, players should build walls around their eggs before activating a piston.

How to Hatch a Dragon Egg in Minecraft

Hatching an egg in the end world versus overworld can be very different and interesting. To help you hatch both, here’s how a player does it!

The egg can be respawned in the end by bringing four end crystals or a supply and means to make them when you go there.

In Minecraft, you can use the crafting table to make end crystals. The arrangement looks like this:

how to hatch a dragon egg in minecraft
Source: Sportskeeda

Next, they need to be placed around the portal in this fashion:

minecraft dragon egg
Source: Sportskeeda

The crystals on top of the towers should light up when this happens!

The entire room lit up, as if a dragon had just been resurrected.

Baby Ender Dragons Add-On by Editor allows mobile Minecraft players to relish the hatchlings. McPEDL also offers a mod that allows you can ride on top of an Ender Dragon, which makes it all worthwhile.

Minecraft Java edition players can install “The Ultimate Plan” created by raoltheenderman from CurseForge. This mod is so incredible that it even supports older versions! The only drawback of this amazing tool, however-is its lack in support for 1.15+ releases and newer updates to Minecraft’s engine which may or may not come out anytime soon according to some sources.

Minecraft’s got a ton of sweet tricks and glitches just waiting to be discovered, like the Lapis Lazuli Diamond trick. This one’s a game-changer, if you’re looking to farm diamonds with ease, you don’t wanna miss this. Check out our guide on how to pull it off, linked right here: Easy Minecraft Lapis Lazuli Diamond Trick to Farm Diamonds.

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