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Sifu Game Analysis: An Ultimate Kung Fu Experience

Sifu Game Poster
Source: PS5
Club Street in Sifu game
Source: Official site

Sifu game launch trailer for PS and PC is out now. The game will also be available on Epic games store starting today so we are here to give you some insight on everything we know and have to say. Let’s analyze,

Sifu Game Analysis

It is such a paradox that adding lives in beat’em ups either works or it does not and who knew that in 2022 a video game launch will trigger this discussion again. Whether you are adding or subtracting lives, one thing we can say for sure that Sifu is the greatest advancement this genre has made so far. So if you are here, welcome because you my friend have a very fine taste

Sifu is a great martial arts experience where you take on the role of an agile character with quick reflexes and powerful moves. It is a mixture between defense and offense that will get those points rolling in fast.

The game has different inspirations from classic martial arts movies and this influences its level design tremendously. For instance, you bust through doors into hallways full of enemies and it makes you reminisce of scenes in films like “The matrix” or “Enter the Dragon.” You’ll find yourself living in those moments as your character moves gracefully around corners fighting an unfolding battle on two planes at once until victory finds them.

A Combat SS in Sifu
Source: Official site


The story followed a young protagonist’s quest for vengeance after his family got murdered. This takes him through various locations in a Chinese city. He will battle foes while gaining skills that will help him on his journey further. You as the MC will explore streets full of gangs and goons, climb over corporate towers and fighting endlessly. Sifu will accompany you as your old Kung Fu master.

Sifu Gameplay

This game flourishes with finesse. You can use the environment to your advantage, throwing weapons at opponents or battering them with objects in hand-to combat that creates some intense yet still exciting moments where strategy comes into play; but remember-when all else fails don’t forget about those crushing takedowns!

The fluidity of the combat system is offset by how unforgiving it can be. You’re always heavily outnumbered, often times distressingly so; yet you do have means to overcome each fight with style and panache!

Sifu game combat
Source: Quora

The more deaths the player character has, the wiser they become. They can unlock new abilities with each death that help them in battle against increasingly difficult foes.

The player’s character will age several years depending on the number of points left on their death counter. If you’re lucky enough, it could be a quick fight and only one year goes by before they reach an older stage in life where there are visible changes such as lower health but more attack power overall which can potentially make up for lost time if done right

Elements & Skill Tree

Just like Chinese martial arts five elements concept is an important element in Sifu game. It serves as the basis for many different fields and phenomena, such as how it influences your level ups or what kind of crystals you’ll find during gameplay to help with certain aspects like defense against enemies.

Over time, you will learn many skills that make fighting more effective. However if they are not trained properly then the player risks losing them during each cycle of a game over; but by practicing and using these abilities fully into games ahead we can ensure their permanent upgrades stay with us through new cycles too.

Sifu Game Review

As a game, Sifu is by no means perfect and still has a big for improvement specially considering the supernatural factors. The game has solved the eternal problem of beat’em ups which was not having an organic and coherent duration or challenge. The game is exceptional in what it promises.
Or as polygon says:
“The “badass martial arts master” portion of the pitch is executed with incredible skill. Sifu has the bones of a wonderful action game, giving you all the tools to play out your Hong Kong action fantasies.” Read more…


The Game trailer features a protagonist that is similar to Sekiro, mixed with some Hong Kong fight elements. There is also gameplay insights and storyline in the video. One such insight was about how the game will be challenging for players who are unfamiliar with fighting games where they can switch between characters on-the-fly, while also being able to use their environment as an advantage.

It’s going to create a sense of tension when you’re not sure which character or skill tree you’ll need next! This makes it sound very exciting and different from other Sony Kung Fu titles out there today. Keep reading our blog for more game reviews and updates.


Dying Light 2: Release & Gameplay Review

Street view Villedor DL2
Source: Techland

Dying Light 2 is releasing today and we cannot be more ready to explore a stunning but dying, post-apocalyptic world full of zombies. Get ready to parkour around the biggest cityscape and on top of tallest skyscrapers. Dying Light 2 releases today on February 4th, 2022 and no, this is not a paid review.

Dying Light 2
Source: PlayStation Info

Dying Light 2: Storyline

It has been 15 years and sadly, you need to leave Harran and Kyle behind. As you enter the vastness of Villedor or The City, you are a new person. You will play as Aiden, a pilgrim who is on a mission to find his sister, Mia.  Mia is missing and is supposed to be somewhere in Villedor. Ah Villedor, a beautiful almost poetic ruin, an open world filled with hopelessness. It has the virus which has now spread too far and many, many zombies.

The state of the current world is many folds worse than the prequel but Villedor still looks like it is bustling. Of course, not everyone is human, but we have those who not only survived, but are striving to live. When you look for a save haven you will find various on rooftops as you parkour. People living and trying to be normal is one of most mesmerizing things about this game.

Dying Light 2
Source: Teachland

The characters in the game are also very interactive. Almost everyone has an introduction and you get to engage a lot as the story proceeds. It gets a but confusing when you try really hard to track each quirk and asses individual personalities but it is fun nonetheless. It is not great but it is a step up in the story development of sorts.

As you proceed you realize that there is much more to this plot than just a pilgrim looking for his sister. There’s revenge, war, death and factions, The Survivors and The Peacekeepers.


The peacekeepers want to take full control of the city after imposing authority and have a government to manage everything. Survivors on the other hand are more into creating an environment that is lively and survivable for everyone.

Dying Light 2
Source: PCGamer

As you progress you will realize that siding with one faction or another has no major effect on the story progress but there will be smaller high impact consequences. For example, choosing water and electrical supply towers for one faction or another. We don’t want to get into too much details but let us put it this way that in Dying Light 2 small choices are more excruciating and impactful unlike Techland’s claims.

Day & Night Cycles

In the original Dying Light, players will avoid going out at night and try to do much of what they wanted in the day light. Night time just like the previous game is harrowing but it is worse in Dying Light 2 with the chance to get better collectibles.

The new feature Techland added are the “Dark Corners/Zones” inside the buildings. Yes, now there could be mobs of infected resting and lurking in the darker corners of buildings in the morning time. You can go and take a look at these zones in the night when they leave but you also need to be careful in the morning.

Dark Zone in Dying Light 2
Source: Atsit

Dying Light 2 has a story with many emotional moments since the character development is pretty thorough.  You may end up questioning your tiny choices and thinking if you were right or wrong so buckle up. Also, Techland has made it possible for the players to shape the story and change some of the decisions. Of course, you need to put a lot of effort. If you want to alter a decision you previously made be prepared for the grind.

Dying Light 2: Gameplay

Walk? No, Parkour!

Now Parkour some more! Ever had a feeling that you are soaring in the sky, hold on to that when you traverse through Villedor. The traversal play in Dying Light to has no match, period! The controls may feel hard to grasp in the beginning because there are so many of them. Endless combinations and techniques, but once you get a hang of it a few hours into the game, you feel invincible. It is so much fun.

You can explore and enter almost every single structure in the game, with only a few exceptions. In this open world, any place you see you can visit and surely jump over and scoot under and… well, there’s a lot. Controls will eventually feel like muscle memory and you will flow through everything like water.

Combat system

Combat in Dying Light 2 has melee weapons only and oh, how we appreciate this change. Techland removed all the ranged, assault weapons. They really said let’s grab all the best things, make them more fitting for the lore and make them exceptional for Dying Light 2. Genius! 

Combat is where the game really shines through. You will understand it too when you will get into one of those tense melee fights against zombies or faction members. The fights feel so up close and personal. 

You can craft, alter and enhance weapons by using the crafting system in the game. For defense, we have dodge and counter. For offense we can dash and block after using strong or weak attacks. You also have some parkour + combat combinations which are a little hard to pull but deal big damage.


We have almost scratched the surface but we will keep updating this article adding more information about Dying Light 2. We hope you will enjoy this game and stay tuned to Eklipse for more.




New Minecraft Mobs The Wild Update 1.19

Minecraft Wild Update
Source: Reddit

Minecraft Mobs Update

Players gear up for this amazing new Minecraft mobs update from Mojang! Owing to the success in 2021 with the release of Caves and Cliffs, Minecraft is all set to make waves in 2022 with the new Wild Update. 

Cave and Cliffs was the game’s biggest update yet, with the introduction to delightful Goats, Axolotls and Glow Squids in the new cave and mountain biomes. As for 2022, Mojang will be welcoming three new mobs to the game, which has created a rush of expectations and exhilaration amongst the fans.

What are Minecraft Mobs?

Minecraft is an exciting video game that offers a variety of gaming adventures through various series. If you have not played the game yet then let us tell you about Minecraft mobs aka a Mobile entity. Mobs are spawning entities in the game the players have to fight to gain rewards and in-game item drops. There are many kinds of mobs in the game and all of them are attackable.

Minecraft mobs
Source: Change.org

Minecraft mobs include passive mobs that are completely harmless but you can hurt them and kill them. These include all the animals, villagers, traders, snow golem and sea creatures. Neutral mobs are moody that means they are sometimes hostile and mostly harmless. You can provoke them to make them hostile but some can be naturally hostile. Other than these we have Boss mobs and Hostile mobs which you need to kill or they will kill you.

New Minecraft Mobs

These are the new Minecraft Mobs that will be available for the 1.19 update,

  • Warden
  • Frogs
  • Tadpoles
  • Fireflies
  • Allay

Let’s look at a brief explanation for each,


One of the most anticipated mobs entering the spectacular world of Minecraft is “The Warden”. This one of a kind boss-mob was supposed to land in the other half of Caves and Cliffs update, but got driven towards the next update, adding to the fans’ anticipation. Warden adds to the murk, sinister aura of the game, as it is the first blind mob in Minecraft living in the new Deep Dark biome with a whole ancient city structure to itself.

Minecraft mob Warden
Source: PCGamer

As intense as its name is, this mob is extremely treacherous with the ability to kill players in just a couple of blows as seen in the Minecraft 2021 live teaser. While some might mistake its blindness for its vulnerability, the warden relies on sound, smell and vibrations to hunt a player down. This combined with its ever so daunting size and a loud heartbeat makes Warden, the epitome of darkness and evil.


Next, as part of the revamped swaps, are the frogs. They are dopey-looking, passive mobs, entering the Minecraft 1.9 in three variants. According to their different locations, the mobs can be default, snowy or tropical, possessing different colors.

Minecraft frogs
Source: PCGamer

An interesting development is the frog-light, which is a colorful block dropped by the frogs which emits light. This will happen when the frogs eat their favorite meal, small magma cubes.  They breathe fresh air to the game, add color and will be fun to play with, especially because they jump really high, swim at high-speed, swell their throats, croak and prey on smaller mobs.


Also, welcomed in the family are the cutest baby versions of the frogs, spawned from their eggs; the tadpoles are now the second smallest mob in mine craft.

Tadpoles Minecraft Mob
Source: Beebom

They are amusing, as you can capture them in water buckets to move them but also delicate because they cannot survive outside water for long. Overall, they add to the adorability of the new update.

Most Adorable of Minecraft Mobs: Fireflies

Just when you thoughts things couldn’t get any better, to add light and aesthetics to the game, Fireflies are also being added to 1.19. They are undeniably the smallest mobs in the game, shimmering in the swamp biome and are a food to the frogs. This might be the most adorable and my favorite Minecraft mob.

(Please let us know if anyone knows the source)

Most anticipated of Minecraft Mobs: Allay

Another Minecraft mob high in demand and joining the Mine craft family is Allay, which  both submissive , friendly and winner of the Mob vote during Mine craft Live event in 2021. Unique in its own delightful way, the Allay helps players by picking items on the ground that they might have missed.

Source: Reddit

At most, it can carry a full stack of items which are usually 64 items and drops them only next to a note block due to its love for music. The fact that it isn’t allowed to steal from the players’ and the mystery behind its spawning leaves the players thrilled.

Whether it’s the dark, deadly Warden or the helpful little Allay, Minecraft 1.19 will have a lot to offer, and the players are hyped up to welcome this update.

How to Buy Hero on Thetan Arena

how to buy hero on thetan arena
Source: Pocket Gamer

How to buy hero on Thetan Arena is not known by many people, especially for beginners who are just started playing this game. If you’re one of them, don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place.

Thetan Arena is an NFT-based MOBA game that’s been going viral lately. This game has succeeded in attracting many people because it has an exciting gameplay and can provide players with crypto currency.

In this game, you can collect hero characters that are registered as NFT assets. You can find various heroes with varying prices on the official Thetan Arena marketplace.

Well, if you intend to buy a hero using gTHC tokens but still don’t know how, don’t worry! Jaka has prepared how to buy the gTHC Thetan Arena hero which you can see below!

How To Download Minecraft 1.19 The Wild Update?

Minecraft 1.19 update

After the massive success of the Minecraft 1.18 update, Minecraft has announced update 1.19, also known as The Wild Update. Minecraft players can now experience a much richer biome with new plantations, mobs, and blocks after the Wild Update.

But there’s more to The Wild Upgrade than biome update. With the Minecraft 1.19 Update, you get two new mobs: Allay and Warden. You can check out these new and exciting features right away with Minecraft 1.19 beta version. In today’s article, we will tell you how you can download Minecraft 1.19 the wild update.

A comprehensive guide on installing Minecraft 1.19 Beta Update

Before we begin our guide, keep in mind that the 1.19 update is only available for Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Furthermore, you have to play it on Windows, Xbox One, or Android for now. As for Java users, they have to wait at least a month to enjoy the Minecraft 1.19 upgrade. If your device specs meet the above requirements, keep reading the guide.

Installing Minecraft 1.19 Bedrock edition on your PC

Minecraft Bedrock

Source: Monster-MCPE

Here’s how you can install Minecraft Bedrock edition:

  1. Open your Microsoft store – The first step is to look for the Microsoft Store in the start menu. It is available in Windows 7 and 10.
  2. Search for “Minecraft for Windows” – Using the search bar, search for Minecraft Windows. You can go for the bundle version or the regular version.
  3. Click on the install button – Now you can proceed to install Minecraft for windows. For those who haven’t made their purchase, Minecraft will require some payment details.

Signing up for Minecraft 1.19 beta version  

Once you have installed Minecraft, you can sign up for the beta version. Here’s how you can sign up for the Minecraft 1.19 beta upgrade:

  1. Search and install Xbox Insider –  Search for Xbox Insider in the Microsoft store. When you find it, click on the install button to install it on your computer.
  2. Open the  “Previews”  tab – Once the Xbox Insider has finished installing, open the app and move to the previews tab.
  3. Click on the Minecraft for Windows option – If you have the right version of Minecraft, you will see the Minecraft for Windows option under available previews. You can select it.
  4. Join the beta program – After clicking on the Minecraft for Windows option, you will be directed to the beta sign-up page. Here you can sign up by clicking the join button.
  5. Click continue – After joining the beta program, Minecraft will present you with some terms and conditions. To quickly summarize the conditions, you won’t be able to access Realms servers and any saved worlds will be deleted or modified in the final release. If you agree with the conditions, you can click continue.
  6. Wait for the application to get approved – It will take 24 hours for your application to get approved.

Downloading Minecraft 1.19 Beta Update on Windows

Once your account is in beta testing, you can find a beta upgrade available at the bottom of the app page.

Installing Minecraft 1.19 Wild Upgrade on your Xbox One

You can use the same steps mentioned above to get Minecraft 1.19 on your Xbox. First, install the Insider app and apply for the beta program.

Installing Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) 1.19 Beta on your android

You can enjoy playing the latest Minecraft update on your android as well! Here’s how you can do that:

  1. Install Minecraft on your phone – You can install Minecraft from the Google Play Store. It will cost you around $7.49.
  2. Apply for beta – Scroll down on the app till you locate the “Join the beta” section. Tap the Join button to apply for the beta.
  3. Download the update – You will have to wait a while to receive the update. Once you do, download the 1.19 beta upgrade on Android.
  4. Play it! Now you can play the game with the latest update, but before you do, remember to turn on the “Wild update” toggle under the Experiments section.


So that’s how you can download Minecraft 1.19 the wild update. It is an exciting update to the existing gameplay. You can check out the latest features for yourself by installing the beta version. Remember to turn on the Wild Update toggle before you start playing.

Best gaming headsets for PC and Mobile, Complete guide


Best gaming headsets 2022: Have a look

Today, 2022 gaming headsets, the industry is worth billions of dollars, and you’re probably not surprised to know that there are some of the most expensive gaming headsets on the market. They are often used by professional gamers in order to get a superior gaming experience, but they can also be used by everyone in order to get the best gaming experience, regardless of their skill level.

Source: Amazon

You want the best gaming headset 2022 or gaming earphones, based. The different types of gaming headsets are available in the market. Simulated surround sound, e-sports activities-oriented, Wi-Fi, over-ear headphones to be had at enthusiast sites. You can purchase the Best budget gaming headset one that fits your budget and wishes. Luckily, you don’t need a 500$ for a first-class headset.

Wired headsets and wireless Gaming Headsets

Wireless gaming headsets are costly. All the more significantly, each gaming headset upholds distinctive framework, handheld, and PC associations. However, you can utilize Bluetooth with a wireless headset to interface with a PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, last-gen consoles, most cell phones, and a few PCs (the first Xbox One needs Bluetooth support). Different frameworks require an alternate remote association and frequently with a diverse base connected to your control centre or PC.

Gaming Headset Console Compatibility

At present, numerous headsets on this rundown seem to help the Best gaming headset, PS4/5more than the Xbox frameworks. However, top of the line headsets regularly come in certain, console-explicit forms. Assuming a headset is promoted essentially for PC, it might work with a control centre using USB. However, the headset may not help all elements. Any headset with a 3.5mm wired association can work with one or the other control centre through the headset jack on the regulator; the USB similarity can lose various renditions. Check the bundling and ensure the headset you need is viable with the framework you intend to utilize.

Razer Black Shark V2 Gaming Headset


Source: Amazon

The Razer Black Shark V2 Gaming Headset is specifically designed to suit your gaming needs. Get immersed into the action with this high-quality headset tested extensively to ensure that you get the best possible experience. The audio enhancer DAC connects via a USB connector; THX-certified delivers a clear and accurate sound quality. In addition, it connects with your console via a 3.5 mm audio jack and USB interface.


  • Beautiful Classic Black color
  • USB interface
  • Lightweight


  • Wired

Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2 Wireless Gaming Headset



Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen2 is a wired gaming headset with various features that set it apart from others. The Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2 is the perfect companion for your PS4, PS4 Pro and Nintendo Switch console. This headset provides a comfortable fit and ambient noise reduction that allows.15-Hour Battery life, Flip-to-Mute Mic, and Spatial Audio – Black, 15-HOUR BATTERY LIFE, VARIABLE MIC MONITORING.


  • Lightweight
  • Wireless
  • Comfortable


  • Cons battery life only 15 hour


ASTRO Gaming A40 TR X-Edition Headset



ASTRO A40 TR is a lightweight, durable, pro-quality headset. The A40 TRs distinctive features have been designed with comfort, durability and reliability in mind. The A40 TR includes a fully customizable speaker tag and interchangeable precision microphones. The microphone arm swivels up and down to easily position the Best headset with mic at the optimum height.


  • Beautiful red and black color
  • Unique design
  • Lightweight


ü  Wired connectivity


Since we’ve outfitted you with the information you want to pick the best gaming headset 2022 for you, you can feel free to look at the headsets recorded in the article and go over to check whether any of them is the best. So, we trust you’ve gained some new practical knowledge and that you’ll have some good times picking and gaming with your excellent new headset!



How to Record Valorant Gameplay on a Low-end PC 

how to record valorant gameplay on low end pc
Source: YouTube

When it comes to playing Valorant, you might have a lot of memorable scenes to capture and show off to your friends. However, not all PC and recorder tools are capable to record your gameplay without losing quality. No worries, this article is going to guide you on how to record Valorant gameplay on a low-end PC.

Thankfully, there are many recording tools for low-end PC that can produce high-quality results. We have already discussed it in our previous article though. So, today we will let you know how to use some of them to capture your Valorant gameplay. Let’s begin.

How to Record Valorant Gameplay on low-end PC

Many tools are available to record Valorant gameplay, including Bandicam, WonderFox HD Video Converter Factory Pro, and FreeCam. Well, let’s just get to know how to use them.

More on Eklipse Blog>>> 7 Best Clipping Software for Valorant to Try in 2023

How to Record Valorant Gameplay on PC Using Bandicam

Bandicam is one of the best screen recorders for Windows. It allows you to record your screen without any time limit. Other than that, it also has HD resolution to make your video look clear. Here’s how to use it.

  • First of all, download and install the Bandicam app on your PC.
  • Second, launch the app immediately and hit the game recording option (the joystick icon).
How to Record Valorant Gameplay on PC Using Bandicam
Source: Bandicam – How to record valorant gameplay on a low end pc windows
  • Then, open and start the Valorant game to record.
  • It’s worth noting that the green number that appears on the gameplay screen indicates the FPS.
How to Record Valorant Gameplay on low-end PC
Source: Bandicam – How to record valorant gameplay on a low end pc free
  • To control the FPS, head to the FPS tab. The FPS number will turn red during the recording.
  • In case you don’t see the green number, go to the Target button and select the Screen Recording mode.
  • After that, press the F12 function key or Record button on the Bandicam page to start recording.
Source: GetApp – how to record valorant gameplay on pc
  • Finally, if you want to stop recording, just hit the same button and the video will automatically be saved to your device.
  • To access the video, go to Home and click the Video button.
how to record valorant gameplay on pc
Source: Game Recording Program – record valorant gameplay without lag

Additionally, you can definitely play, edit, and upload your video to other social media such as Instagram, Facebook, or YouTube.

How to Record Valorant Gameplay on a Low-end PC Using FreeCam

Another great screen recorder option to try is FreeCam. Though it only lets you record in WMV format, you won’t be disappointed by the resolution. To be able to use it, you should follow the guide below.

  • Start over by downloading and installing the FreeCam app on your device.
  • Then, launch the app and click the New Recording option on the homepage.
fbx game recorder
Source: Qodiq
  • The recording windows will appear
  • At the left bottom corner of the windows, there will be a mic, aspect ratio, and settings option.
  • After that, select the recording area.
Source: FreeScreenRecording – best screen recorder for valorant
  • Once everything has been ready, hit the recording button next to the mic option.
Source: FreeScreenRecording
  • If you want to stop the recording process, hit the Done option.
  • Next up, click the Edit option to make some changes to your video.
  • Then, click the Save as Video option to save the video to your library.
Source: Software Advice
  • Voila! Your Valorant gameplay record is now ready to share.

Anyway, FreeCam allows you to share your video to YouTube directly, by just hitting the Upload to YouTube button at the top of the video preview. However, it requires manual sharing to post the video to other social media.

How to Record Gameplay Without Losing FPS with i-Top Screen Recorder

Want to record your Valorant gameplay without dropping the FPS and taking space off your CPU? Well, you can try i-Top Screen Recorder then. Follow the instruction below to use it.

  • To begin with, download and install the i-Top app to your device.
  • After that, play Valorant and launch the app.
  • Select the area you want to record and turn on the speaker, sound, screen ratio, and microphone recording.
How to Record Gameplay Without Losing FPS with i-Top Screen Recorder
Source: iTopScreenRecorder
  • Don’t forget to select the game mode as well.
Source: iTopScreenRecorder
  • Once you’ve done with the settings, hit the big red ‘REC’ button to start recording, or you can hit F9 on your keyboard.
  • Finally, to stop the recording or pause, hit the Stop or Pause button or use F11 on your keyboard.

i-Top enables you to edit the video if necessary. Then to see the video, go to the My Creations tab. Share them directly on Instagram, Facebook, or even YouTube.

Bonus: How to Clip Valorant Gameplay Using Eklipse

Ever wondered how to record Valorant gameplay on a low-end PC? We got you covered with our comprehensive guide here. Check this out!

Now that you’ve recorded the gameplay, you can create highlight clips from it and share them on your social media later. It’s actually a great idea to reach a wider audience. Don’t fret though, since Eklipse will not burden your PC or laptop due to its 100% web-based characteristic.

All you need is only to sign in or create a new account if you haven’t, connect to your social media to load your streams, or simply import the existing file from your local device, and let the AI do the rest. You’ll be able to add a template, music, channel name, and auto-caption. In case you don’t have time to create highlights on your own, Eklipse can help you by offering the Premium Editing feature.

Well, if you are curious about the detailed steps to capture the epic moments from your Valorant gameplay, you can head to our previous article that explains how to clip Valorant with Eklipse. Let us know if you have tried our tool by showcasing your creation. Happy clipping!

More on Eklipse Blog>>> How to Turn Console Streams into Content for Free with AI


So, that’s all about how to record Valorant gameplay on a low-end PC. Those are some of the best recorder apps to try. Not only they can give you great results, but they are also friendly for all beginners.

Additionally, once you have recorded the gameplay, you can create incredible clips too from it using the best Valorant clipping software before sharing to other social media such as TikTok, Reel, or YouTube shorts. 

Thankfully, Eklipse can make your dream comes true in terms of creating cool clips. Keep your eyes on our blog for more info and tutorial about us. Happy recording and don’t forget to sign up for a free Eklipse account today to try all of our features!

Skulls Halo Infinite- A complete guide


Skulls halo infinite

In skulls halo infinite, there are 12 skulls that players can gather while investigating the game’s mission mode. Skulls are one of the Infinite’s few very secret collectables accessible all through the game’s mission. While different collectables involve gear redesigns and voice messages that develop the game’s legend, skulls are modifiers that straightforwardly impact interactivity whenever actuated. Sadly, the 12 skulls in Halo Infinite are the most detailed collectables in the skulls halo infinite game to find, including five that can be missed during effort missions.

PC: https://www.polygon.com/halo-infinite-guide-walkthrough/22824072/skull-location-first-tower

Players can initiate a skull in the primary mission menu before sending it off when a skull is found. Skull modifiers sway the game altogether. A few modifiers help the player, such as giving Master Chief endless explosives. Others make the game harder, as just permitting Chief to recover safeguards upon an effective scuffle kill. Others are for no particular reason, similar to the ‘Snort Birthday Party skull.

Initiating every one of the skulls in any Halo game and going through the mission on incredible mode (a “LASO” run: Legendary All Skulls On) is the hardest thing a player can achieve in the series. Tragically, the last skull collectable is in Halo Infinite’s previous mission. Like this, players hoping to finish a LASO run should go through the entire task to track down each skull.

PC: https://www.vg247.com/halo-infinite-skulls-locations-cheats-unlock

Step by step instructions to Activate Halo Infinite’s Skulls

  • Radiance Infinite Foundation mission collectable Cowbell skull. Players need to actuate Halo Infinite’s skulls before sending off the mission.
  • To do so, select the ‘crusade’ tab from the entire menu.
  • Then, at that point, select the ‘heap game’ tab. The frameworks save documents for the game’s mission ought to be apparent. Look over the ideal save record, and a ‘Skulls’ tab ought to show up on the right side, close to the game’s trouble.
  • At long last, look over the ‘Skulls’ tab and enact the ideal skull modifiers. In any case, everything can be opened with skulls initiated, so don’t spare a moment to give each of the skulls a shot at some random time.
  • Skull modifiers are Halo’s identical to quick bypasses and have been around since Halo 2. The fastest method for getting skulls in Halo Infinite is to initially look into their areas, particularly ones found during effort missions that can’t be replaced.
  • For players hoping to get the skulls as quick as could be expected, actuate the ‘Cowbell’ skull found in the subsequent mission, ‘Establishment.’ This skull permits players to send off vehicles across the guide utilizing explosives, and when Chief catches onto them, he can fly across the direction, making it the speediest method for navigating without a Wasp.

PC: https://www.dexerto.com/halo/halo-infinite-skull-locations-guide-how-to-find-all-12-skulls-1718422/


  • Boom skull:Warship Gbrakkon, Doubles blast span.
  • Cowbell skull: Foundations, Acceleration from blasts is expanded.
  • Catch skull: Zeta Halo (Northeast),Enemies toss and drop more projectiles.
  • Fog skull: Zeta Halo (West of FOB Alpha), Disables movement tracker.
  • I Would Have Been Your Daddy (IWHBYD): Zeta Halo (on top of The Tower)               Rare, battle discourse turns out to be more normal.
  • Blind skull: Zeta Halo (south of The Tower), HUD and weapon don’t show onscreen.
  • Thunderstorm skull: Zeta Halo (close to hostile to airplane guns), Upgrades the position of most foes.
  • Dark Eye skull: Zeta Halo (close to waterfall), your safeguards possibly re-energize when you skirmish foes.
  • Famine skull:Zeta Halo (Far East of map), Weapons dropped by adversaries have a large portion of the ammunition they ordinarily would.
  • Mythic skull:The Command Spire Enemies have expanded wellbeing.
  • Snort Birthday Party skull: Repository, Grunt headshots lead to sublime festivals.
  • Bandana skull: Silent Auditorium, Grants limitless weapon ammunition and explosives, and eliminates gear cool downs.

You can see the Skulls you’ve found in Halo Infinite’s Database>Skulls menu. How would you track down a Skull? Use your scanner, and search for the blueprint of a Skull.

Best gaming laptops 2022- Enjoy fast game streaming


Best gaming laptops for 2022

Gaming Laptop

The best gaming laptops comes in all shapes and sizes for various necessities and spending plans. Best Gaming laptops are essential to maintaining a high-speed gaming career. For many people, a gaming laptop is their most expensive and personal possession. It’s simply not a good idea to play auto-win games on an expensive gaming laptop. The best gaming laptops are almost always more costly than a new gaming desktop computer. Gaming laptops are built to be robust and durable, and they’re also made to be simple and low-maintenance.

There are many different gaming laptops available today, but which one is right for you? There are several benefits to a gaming laptop over an entry-level PC, and there are many different prices and features to consider.

Fast Gaming Laptop Shopping Tips

Zero in on the GPU: Most games rely on the GPU, and those aren’t up-gradeable. Assuming you go overboard on a strong GPU currently, you’ll game easily for a couple of years.


You can overhaul a few sections later: While the best CPUs for gaming and GPUs are quite often bound down, most gaming PCs let you supplant the RAM and capacity, so you can purchase less expensive now and add more memory and a more excellent hard drive or SSD not too far off.


Battery life: Very scarcely any gaming note pads get 8 hours or more on a charge and you want the power supply to get the best gaming execution in any case. Nonetheless, we’ve seen a few occasions from AMD’s Ryzen processors, and Nvidia proposes that its further developed Optimums innovation might assist with reversing the situation.


Ø Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-54-760S, one of the Best Gaming Laptops


New latest Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-54-760S Gaming Laptop is powered by the latest 7th Generation Intel Core i7-7700HQ Quad-Core processor, which is clocked at 2.8GHz. The processor also has a CPU speed of 3.8GHz. The processor has a TDP of 45W and is unlocked for overclocking. 15.6″ Full HD 144Hz 3ms IPS Display.144Hz 3ms Display uses an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 graphics card to ensure that you have an incredible gaming experience. The gaming laptop has 16GB DDR4 RAM and 512GB SSD. It also features Killer Wi-Fi.



        Unique design ·         Not touchscreen
       Full HD screen


Ø MSI GF65 Best Gaming Laptop

MSI Laptop


The latest Cooler Boost 5 Wi-Fi 6 features 802.11ax standards and is 3 xs faster than the previous generation. It is powered by the 7th gen Intel Core i7-7820HK, a faster and more powerful processor. The Core i7-7820HK has a base frequency of 2.9GHz and can boost up to 4.1GHz when needed. MSI has adopted an advanced six-core architecture that delivers enhanced graphics performance and powerful processing technology. This laptop has 16GB DDR4 RAM that runs at 2666MHz, providing high bandwidth for your most demanding applications and games. The 512GB NVMe SSD lets you load applications and games quickly.



        Light weight ·         Available in black color
      Long time battery


Conclusion-Best gaming laptops

The Best gaming laptop isn’t an everyday laptop. Yes, the laptop Acer Predator Helios 300 PH315-54-760S Gaming Laptop and MSI GF65 are designed for game lovers who care about performance, speed, and graphics.

How to Play Squid Game Roblox

squid game roblox
Source: Roblox

How to play Squid Game on Roblox? Only in a few steps, you will be able to simulate the horrifying aspects of the series in this game.

The new Netflix show, Squid Game has become a viral sensation. It’s currently the most-watched show on the streaming service in America and it could soon break all records for being watched worldwide!

With that said, it seems like everyone is trying to cash in on the craze of Netflix’s newest show, Squid Game. For example, people have created their own knock-offs including “Red Light Green Light” and “The King Of Games” in various games. 

Starting from Minecraft, Overwatch, and of course, Roblox. It’s no surprise since Roblox is a type of open world sandbox game that lets anyone customize anything.

Interested in participating in this horrifying game in Roblox? We have the complete guide right here!